Happy Winter to those of you reading this today (21 December 2022) – a good Yule to you as well, and hoping you are passing a happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas this weekend, and Joyful Kwanzaa.
The New Year is teasing me, and I have the distinct anxiety that is present on a journey – “Are we there yet?”
I am not silly enough to think that the world would ever go “back to normal” – mostly because the world is constantly changing and I depend on that, because if it stayed the same, I would know that I have finally descended into the afterlife.
And to be honest, I don’t even think the afterlife is unchanging.
I am looking forward to what 2023 will bring. My desire to write is rekindled (mostly because I write every morning in my dream diary — see BuyMeACoffee.com/Wolstice ) and I find that the more I write (regularly) the more I write. LOL
It becomes a nice habit, like painting, crafting and all the other routines of my day.
I spent a lot of time in October and November thinking about what I want to accomplish in 2023, and writing is high on the list. The last couple of years have finally released some of their hold on my creativity, and onward I go.
Here’s wishing you have a lovely holiday, whichever one(s) you celebrate – and may the new year bring health, wealth, and the time to enjoy them.