It is Monday, and it is a Holiday, and it is Martin Luther King Jr. Day – a day to remember him, his works, his messages, his example to us all.
His birthday was just a few days ago, on January 15th. He was assassinated on April 4th, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. He was 39 years old.
His messages have lived on in our remembrances of him, his words living longer than the man himself. It is hard to believe it has been over 50 years since his life was taken.
As I sit here, sipping my coffee and scanning social media, I feel his presence is as strong today as it was when he gave his famous “I have a dream..” speech. It brings me hope.
A hope that no matter how dark the days may be, there will always be someone who stands with a flame of goodness. A light to guide us when all other lights are blocked or extinguished.
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