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I’ve been meaning to set up an official “Author’s Site” for a while, and finally carved out the time to do it. I hope you will visit often…and let me know what you think of my books, or poetry, or paintings as you run across them.

I’m working on a couple of series – the first book of the first series is out – “Flashforge Station”, which is a space opera with a lot of characters and political intrigue.

The other series will be about “Kit Freestone”, a steampunk alternate history adventure series. With some intriguing paranormal and supernatural fun thrown in for good measure.

There will be loads of flash fiction and some sneak previews coming up, and I managed to carve this time in the midst of OctPoWriMo (October Poetry Writing Month) – so you’ll see a lot of that, too.

So I hope you’ll stay tuned and visit often.